Ask Me Anything

with AsianBossGirl

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How much do you tell your partner?

Ideally in a serious, committed relationship, your partner ends up becoming a best friend and your closest confidant. It's natural to want to share and debrief with your partner on what you discuss or learn from conversations with friends. Aside from when your friend explicitly says "don't tell anyone", how do you decide what is appropriate vs. disrespectful to share with your partner? For example, if your friend is fighting with their SO because of wedding planning stress, does it make sense to tell your partner what they are going through so they don't ask too many questions about wedding planning when they see them? Or should that be kept private?

Relationship update questions

Helen, what is it like to be in year 9? 10? 11? of your relationship with Phil? How have you both evolved as people and as a couple? How much of your relationship do you share to those close to you vs. keep private? What is your advice to those who fear they might be growing apart or having trouble staying connected with their partner as the years go by? Mel, how do you think taking that next step (engagement) may or may not change your relationship with Ray? Is being in a happy, committed relationship in your 30's what you imagined it would be like and if not, what is unexpected? What is your advice for those who are in a similar life stage but unsure if they can/should take that next step? Janet, how has your perspective on dating shifted from your early 30's to your late 30's? What are things you would or would not be willing to compromise on at this point in your life (e.g. would you date someone who is divorced)? Also, how "healed" do you feel from your last breakup? What is your advice to other women also looking for their life partner in their late 30's?

Passion Project Paralysis

Hi again ladies, as business owners who have built your multimedia platform in various successful ways, how do you reckon with ideas for multiple projects as they crop up? I notice I'm feeling pulled in different directions for ways in which I want to develop my own business pursuits, whether it be writing a book, starting a podcast, or doing more speaking engagements. I am eager to start on all of it but realize it's not realistic to have bandwidth (or the funds) for them all at once either. I would love your advice on how you harness your creativity in a productive but sustainable way.

Kids or no kids

My partner and I are on the fence whether we’d like to have kids or not. We feel we’d be happy either way. I assumed I would have kids when I was younger but now I realize it’s a choice. How did you decide? Anything specific to consider?

Thoughts on Mortgage Payoff vs. Investing

Hi ABG, Wanted to know your thoughts on if you think it is smart to pay down the Mortgage (in chunks and still have savings) as compared to renting out a property or owning a second one at the same time. I am locked in at a fixed 3.625% rate since 2019. Or would you use the funds to invest? I just am not knowledgable on investing. How would you balance that and what are the pro's and cons? The intention is to drive down Debt, and have a peace of mind that the Mortgage is paid off, but if the property is rented out, the risks are the tenant may not taking care of it well, and the profit is very small because pretty much some of that income would go towards mortgage payment and finding an affordable second place to live in while renting the first one. Best :) Raheel