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with AsianBossGirl

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If you were to create a playlist of your life's soundtrack, what 3 songs would definitley be on it?

Dig deep

What is the best piece of advise youve ever recieved?

Any recommendations for dealing with lost of motivation working in corporate?

Hi ladies, long time listener and big fan of the return of this segment! As the title suggests, I’ve been feeling de-motivated at work recently. I still enjoy what I do, but there has been an uptick in office politics, which has seriously affected morale. One instance is in terms of promotions. One of my friends works super hard has been promised a promotion for the past 2 years, saying that she’s definitely on track for the next year. However, she has once again been told “you’re on track for next year.” Even though it doesn’t personally affect me, it has triggered my imposter syndrome in wondering if I’m good enough for my position, as I got promoted last year. Moreover, it’s really upsetting and de-moralizing to see far less hardworking people get promoted over my friend. It just seems like the leadership team will dangle a carrot in front of you for as long as they can and take advantage of you if you have a good work ethic before you decide you’ve had enough. Any advice?

Career advice

Hi ladies! I’m turning 38 this year and am 12 plus years in my career in IT. I generally enjoy it but want to do something different. I know it’s never too late to start a different career you ladies are living proof. But what were some of the challenges you guys faced? I went back to listen to the episode where you guys went full time ABG and it just inspired me. Any advice?

Empty Nest Syndrome

Dear ABG, TLDR: help me help my mom with Empty Nest Syndrome- is the main question For context, I have lived at home with my parents all of my life (childhood, undergrad, med school) up until I went away for 3 years for my residency program several states away. During that time, living away from home, I realized I had a LOT of growing up to do, and was somewhat horrified, that I never realized this until I moved away (e.g. my parents always insisted on doing everything for me and somehow, I didn't realize that was a problem, like getting groceries, cooking, getting gas, finances and budgeting, and I had never driven a car on the freeway before outside of driving test). In the midst of the busy-ness of residency, I was able to pull myself together within a month, but I was really stressed with starting residency and never having lived alone so far from home before, so I felt lucky that it worked out. Upon completion of residency, I found a job back home, lived again back at home- but the transition was not easy- I felt very stifled being back at home, after having had 3 years of almost-complete freedom and autonomy. I discussed moving out, to the dismay of my parents but especially my mother, and finally, 2.5 years since being home, I found a house and moved out (25 minute drive from home). Around this same time, my younger sister who had been living in the state but in a dorm, found a job many many states away. Essentially, both my sister and I moved away from "home" within a month. It has been one year since we made our moves. In the course of the last year, I have noticed my mom exhibiting signs of Empty Nest Syndrome. She seems depressed, having heightened complaints of her usual back pain, seems unmotivated, and continues to be very overbearing over my sister and I despite the distance (e.g. frequent calls, texts, and Asian-level "comments" on body weight/appearance/job prospects/being single etc). My dad is doing just fine, FYI, is his normal self and he lives with my mom. Side question- I also don't know how normal it is to be asked to group vid chat (myself, sister, and mom) at least every other day if not daily, or if not voice call, and to send good morning and good night texts everyday. Seems simple enough, but... sometimes I am very pooped or really busy and I do forget to text the good morning/night sometimes. My Asian friends feel this is normal, my non-Asian friends feel this is not normal. Sorry, a whirlwind of info I know, but it's a lot... and if you can't tell, I have mostly been a go-with-the-flow, do-as-I'm-told person... but I guess I am trying to grow up and be my own person. Current priority, is how to help my mom, without either of us moving back home. Want to know your insights, thanks.