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with AsianBossGirl

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Taking Emotional Risks

Hi Mel, Janet, and Helen ~ I would love your insights into how you take emotional risks with friends and family, especially when feeling disconnected from them. I have been open on social media about my latest mental health challenges, but I realize I still don't talk about them much with those who actually are in my life. When you've had a hard time being vulnerable with someone close to you, how do you open yourself up more to them? Thank you so much, Lauren Yang


Hi. :) This question is directed toward all three ladies, but the last part I was hoping for Helen's input. When I was younger (teenager transitioning into adulthood), I would often label my parents "annoying." Too many unnecessary reminders about things I already know, too strong of an inability to relate to my problems, too little freedom to make my own choices, etc.. My question was: Did you all experience this? And, as a parent, do you feel a sense of "ah, I understand why they were that way?" See you soon!

Being open to recieving and asking for things

Hey besties! I struggle with recieving and especially asking for things as it makes me feel "selfish". I know logically that it doesnt, but its become such a habit to say "no, im okay" whenever im offered something that its almost automatic. Asking for help (in person)? Forget about it. I mostly have this issue with extended family, friends, strangers. Have you ladies ever experienced this? What suggestions do you have for getting over this. (Note: i am an Obliger and im which may be a factor here and im working to release myself from this mindset as well)

Parenting Question

Parenting questions here :) What would you do if a an older kid (6+ yo) at the playground is constantly cutting in line of many younger kids that are patiently waiting their turn? The parent of the older child is on the bench on their phone and not paying attention to their child’s behaviour. Many of the parents at the playground are looking at each other, as no one is quite sure what is best to do. Do you teach your child to stand up for themselves, talk to the parent of the older child, tell the older child to wait their turn, go elsewhere..?


Janet, just curious when did you decide to become a vegetarian and what made you choose to become one? Love you ladies!!