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with AsianBossGirl

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Relationship update questions

Helen, what is it like to be in year 9? 10? 11? of your relationship with Phil? How have you both evolved as people and as a couple? How much of your relationship do you share to those close to you vs. keep private? What is your advice to those who fear they might be growing apart or having trouble staying connected with their partner as the years go by? Mel, how do you think taking that next step (engagement) may or may not change your relationship with Ray? Is being in a happy, committed relationship in your 30's what you imagined it would be like and if not, what is unexpected? What is your advice for those who are in a similar life stage but unsure if they can/should take that next step? Janet, how has your perspective on dating shifted from your early 30's to your late 30's? What are things you would or would not be willing to compromise on at this point in your life (e.g. would you date someone who is divorced)? Also, how "healed" do you feel from your last breakup? What is your advice to other women also looking for their life partner in their late 30's?

How much do you tell your partner?

Ideally in a serious, committed relationship, your partner ends up becoming a best friend and your closest confidant. It's natural to want to share and debrief with your partner on what you discuss or learn from conversations with friends. Aside from when your friend explicitly says "don't tell anyone", how do you decide what is appropriate vs. disrespectful to share with your partner? For example, if your friend is fighting with their SO because of wedding planning stress, does it make sense to tell your partner what they are going through so they don't ask too many questions about wedding planning when they see them? Or should that be kept private?


Hi Janet, I know you do a lot of yoga and are preparing for your trip to Indonesia in September! What are your thoughts on Pilates classes ? Have you taken them before and what was your experience like if any ? Side note: your cucumber drink video was so funny 😆!!


Hi Helen Mel and Janet! How was the cruise for Phil’s birthday? I’ve noticed that I don’t think you all own any pets? What pet would you own if any and why?