Ask Me Anything

with AsianBossGirl

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Hi! Janet had previously mentioned on a podcast that she was going to try out a matchmaker service rather than retry online dating in the future... how has the matchmaker service been?

Did you experience any familial conflict when deciding your college major/degree program? What was like that and how did you cope?

Pregnancy workout question

Hi Helen! I am looking for some advice on what workouts to do during pregnancy. What were your pregnancy workouts that you did during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters? I completely understand if you don’t feel comfortable right now in answering this question. I’m just doing workouts I did previously like running, swimming, Pilates, and workout videos on YouTube such as Heather Robertson and Blogilates but just not doing hardcore abdominal workouts. Just wanted to see your perspective and maybe be influenced by you! Thank you!

Arranged Marriage vs. Love Marriage

Dear ABG, What are your thoughts on Arranged Marriages compared to Love Marriages? Statistics show they are successful, but will it work for people here in the United States? (Perhaps this question could be a follow up to the matchmaker question. Note - this question has been updated over time.) I am all for love marriages but the pressure continues to mount from my parents considering I'm in my mid 30's as a guy. The apps and such these days aren't working quite as well as they did a few years ago and my friends circle is small, and while I've met once met a nice Indian Muslim girl who was older than myself many years ago, it was not the right time for me because I wasn't fully independent at the time. I had to say no to her at the time because I didn't think I deserved her and be able to match her financial level at the time, and tried reaching back out but I understand she doesn't want to try again. While I continue my search and I haven't met someone like her - (independent, smart, beautiful) - my parents are trying to set me up with girls in an arranged marriage where I only get to meet a potential woman for a few times or even just once. One of them seemed reasonable but was not showing interest in me but is more interested in being able to live in the US, plus although she is a Doctor by education, she doesn't want to pursue a career. Update: her family said no to me because I wanted to meet her more than once, which is totally weird to me, I'd prefer to get to know someone further. My type is not her (but my ideal type is East Asian girls, whose qualities I find more admirable such as being more independent and career oriented like working corporate as compared to their South Asian counterparts who may not really want to pursue a career but this of course does not apply to everyone, it's just that some South Asian women could be more sheltered and have less exposure to being independent. Not sure where to meet an East Asian woman who would be receptive to me, considering Religion is important to me being that I am Muslim (and I am not very conservative either), allows also for me to marry from a monotheistic faith, a woman who is Muslim, Jewish or Christian and she can remain the same religion that she is, she is not obligated change to be Muslim like me. Context purposes, I am Pakistani American born and raised.) Thank you so much for a wonderful podcast! Sorry for such a long question. Best, Raheel

How are you ladies really?

Hi ladies!! Love all you ladies share and help the community but I wanted to check in on how you ladies are doing. It’s been so much transition and life events for you three. How are you all processing it? How are you ladies doing really?